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Treating Hypotension Using Natural Methods


Basic Tips

Drink plenty of water, vegetable and fruit juices and sports drinks.

Moderate addition of salt to the menu.

Drinking rosemary tea (raises blood pressure) instead of coffee

Use of "warming" spices: cinnamon, ginger, curry, hot paprika.

Balanced consumption of all the nutrients

Exercise: 60 minutes a day: brisk walking, or cycling, or swimming, inverted postures (head to knees, standing shoulders)


In order to treat the problem of low blood pressure, a drink should be made from basil leaves.
Take some fresh leaves, cut them into small pieces, and boil in water until a drink is formed.
Filter the water to remove the leaf residue.
The drink should be drunk every morning, it will help raise blood pressure.
If the taste is too bland you can add maple to the drink to give it a better taste.

Almond Potion

Take 5-10 fresh almonds and soak them in water all night, then peel and chop them well.
The chopped almonds should be added to a glass of milk and boiled.
Mix well, cool slightly, and drink as long as the drink is still hot but not boiling.


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