Alternative Medicine Nutrition, naturopathy, and herbal medicine are very effective for a state of anemia, they strengthen the blood by the external material energy. Acupuncture supports the body so that it can get the most out of food and produce good quality blood from it. Reflexology, tuina, and shiatsu - strengthen the body so that the organs can function more efficiently. Recommended Nutrition Foods are rich in chlorophyll such as spirulina and green leaves, red grapes, blueberries and blackberries, molasses, seaweed. A complete protein that strengthens the blood can be obtained from a combination of grains and legumes, or legumes and nuts and seeds. Folic acid is found in yeast, leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts. Note that folic acid is destroyed during prolonged cooking. Relatively large amounts of iron are found in foods - whole grains, soybeans, dark green leaves, seaweed, wheat germ, molasses, apricots, prunes, raisins, nuts, pine nuts, pistachios...